If you want to get pregnant at same time, you must have these characteristics. See how many of them you have?

I believe that many parents who plan to conceive want to get pregnant once. Some women can do it. This can cause depression and anxiety, which can affect your chances of conceiving. In fact, if you want to get pregnant once, you only need to meet following characteristics. Let's see how many of them you have.

If you want to get pregnant once, you must have these characteristics

1. The decisive factor is the regularity of monthly menstruation

If you want to get pregnant at same time, you must have these characteristics. See how many of them you have?

The "Big Aunt", who visits doctor every month, is responsible for housekeeper of endometrial replacement, ensuring that woman ovulates normally. Normal menstruation is always once every 25-40 days. If blood volume is normal and there are few clots, this proves that you have normal menstruation and normal ovulation function. Thus, as long as women have sex during ovulation, it is easy to conceive a child.

2. The main thing is warm hands and feet

Women with cold hands and feet refer to excessive coldness of body and lack of yang energy. As a rule, such women will be accompanied by palace cold. It is important to know that fertilized eggs implant more easily in a warm environment. If your hands and feet can always be kept warm, then you are full of yang and can easily conceive a child.

3. The routine of life and rest is the basis

If you want to get pregnant at same time, you must have these characteristics. See how many of them you have?

We have always encouraged everyone to maintain a regular and healthy work and rest schedule, as human body's biological clock also reflects work and rest times of our internal organs. our internal organs will be in disarray; Exposure to menstruation can easily cause irregular periods and affect ovulation.

4. Uterine anteversion guaranteed

B-ultrasound can determine whether a woman's uterus is in an anterior or posterior position. If uterus is in an anterior position, sperm is more likely to remain at cervix during sexual activity, and tadpoles are more likely to rush over obstacles and collide with eggs. Because distance is closer, so anterior uterus is very easy to get pregnant.

5. Moderate body shape is very important

If you want to get pregnant at same time, you must have these characteristics. See how many of them you have?

At present, most women want to be thin. Fat girls want to have a thin waist and long legs, and thin girls always think that they are not thin enough and want to be slimmer. In fact, shape of a woman's body can also directly affect a woman's ability to successfully conceive. Endocrine problems will arise if you are overweight or underweight, which will disrupt timing of ovulation and indirectly affect female fertility. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant should pay attention to this.

The above are some body characteristics that are easy to conceive. If you have all of them, congratulations, you feel ready to conceive. If you cannot get pregnant due to illness, you should go to regular hospital in time for treatment, early detection and early treatment, so as to bear baby as soon as possible.