If two stripes are found on pregnancy test stick, it must be pregnant, this can also cause big trouble!

Pregnancy is a happy thing, because baby is about to be born, and when I think about it, I feel an inexplicable joy. But at present, most common way to test for pregnancy is with a pregnancy test stick. It is generally not expensive in market, and you can find out if you are pregnant. But if there are two lines on pregnancy test stick, does that mean she's pregnant?

Why can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy? If two stripes are found on pregnancy test stick, it must be pregnant, this can also cause big trouble!

A pregnancy test will show pregnancy to prove that 90% of women are pregnant because function of a pregnancy test is to determine if a woman is pregnant by measuring amount of hCG in a person's urine. When urine HCG value reaches a certain level, it can be detected with pregnancy test stick, and a horizontal bar will appear in control area and detection area of ​​the pregnancy test stick and can be detected. be positive at this time.

If two stripes are found on pregnancy test stick, does that mean she is pregnant?

Not really. The two strips on a pregnancy test stick are not pregnancy. There are two factors:

First, pregnancy test wand factors

You should know that pregnancy test stick also has an expiration date. When expiration date expires, chance of false positives will also increase. Under normal circumstances, a pregnancy test strip can give a result 5 minutes after a morning urine test, but distance before and after two strips is small, only a few seconds or even a dozen seconds. But if second line appears slowly, it may be a false positive and needs to be tested again.

If two stripes are found on pregnancy test stick, it must be pregnant, this can also cause big trouble!

Second, disease factors lead

Ectopic pregnancy

This is what we often refer to as an ectopic pregnancy. Once a fertilized egg is formed, even if it is implanted outside uterus, hCG level will rise and two lines will appear on pregnancy test.

For a more accurate diagnosis, transvaginal ultrasound can be used for screening. If an ectopic pregnancy with a yolk sac and / or an embryo is found in adnexal region, then an ectopic pregnancy can be clearly diagnosed.


Is an abnormal pregnancy, mainly due to proliferation of gestational trophoblastic cells. We mentioned above that gestational trophoblasts produce large amounts of hCG, so when testing with a pregnancy test stick, false positive results will also appear.

If two stripes are found on pregnancy test stick, it must be pregnant, this can also cause big trouble!

In this case, it is best to use vaginal color Doppler. If uterus is significantly enlarged, longer than corresponding gestational age, there is no fetal egg and fetal heartbeat, uterine cavity is filled with inhomogeneously dense, Or short strips of echo in form of falling snow. If blisters are large and form echogenic patches of varying sizes, most of which are honeycomb-shaped, then a mole may be diagnosed.

Biochemical pregnancy

This means that fertilized egg did not take root, or a miscarriage occurred after implantation.

This usually happens within 5 weeks of pregnancy. Some people may not be aware of it at all, as it rarely occurs, and there may be delays in menstruation and an increase in menstrual flow. During this period, level of hCG also rises for a short time. High, if you happened to use a pregnancy test during this period, two strips may appear. With further ultrasound, it will be found that there is no fetal egg inside and outside uterine cavity.

While this is unlikely, don't be careless. As soon as two strips are found on pregnancy test stick, you should immediately go to hospital to give blood for confirmation. Once you detect any disease, timely treatment can reduce severity of disease.