If these signs appear in women, this indicates that uterus has been injured and must be treated immediately!

For women, uterus is not only an important place for conceiving a child, but also a weather vane of women's health. After uterus is abnormal, women will have various gynecological diseases, and irregular menstruation is most typical symptom, so when women experience following main signs, they must be treated in a timely manner, and state of uterus should be monitored in a timely manner. Having received an injury, they should be treated immediately.

These signals are signs of damage to uterus:

Part 1: Sudden Irregular Period

If these signs appear in women, this indicates that uterus has been injured and must be treated immediately!

I have already told you above that most typical sign of uterine damage is irregular menstruation, such as sudden menses or missed periods that affect pregnancy. Most irregular periods are closely related to uterus. Therefore, when it happens to women, cause must be checked in time and treated in time.

part 2: dysmenorrhea always occurs

I believe that everyone has experienced feeling of dysmenorrhea, but it varies from person to person. Some people have mild dysmenorrhea while others have more severe dysmenorrhea. But if uterus is in a cold environment for a long time, this is also true. There will be dysmenorrhea, so girlfriends should not let their guard down when dysmenorrhea occurs, and timely examination can ensure that uterus is healthy.

Part 3: Frequent lower back pain

We all know that prolonged sitting can cause back pain and other diseases, and back pain is also a common problem of most office workers, so many people do not take it too seriously, but there is a kind of lower back pain, even accompanied Feeling of falling, this situation may be a problem with uterus or may be caused by a problem with bladder. Cervicitis or uterine prolapse can also cause lower back pain during menstruation, so finding out cause and treating it symptomatically is recommended.

If these signs appear in women, this indicates that uterus has been injured and must be treated immediately!

part 4: difficulties in having children

As we all know, there are many causes of fertility problems. Some of them are caused by bad habits in life, and some are caused by disease problems. If not, then it could be a uterus problem. go to hospital in time to find out cause of infertility and conduct targeted treatment in order to get pregnant as soon as possible.

How to protect uterus from injury?

1. Pay attention to hygiene. Hygiene of genital organs is very important in order to prevent entry of pathogens into uterus in time, causing uterine diseases.

2. Prevent postpartum shedding. If after childbirth you do not pay attention to rest, often squat and do hard work, pressure in abdominal cavity will increase, ectopia of uterus will occur.

3. Pay attention to your diet and reduce your intake of stimulant foods. Many people like sweets, and they have a lot of fat, and too much fat will lead to uterine fibroids. Therefore, diet should be light, with low fat intake and plenty of water.

If these signs appear in women, this indicates that uterus has been injured and must be treated immediately!

4. Pay attention to whether menstruation and leucorrhoea are normal. If there is increased leucorrhea and abnormal menstrual bleeding, seek medical attention promptly.

5. Periodic check. Early detection of problems, timely treatment.