If girls with PCOS want to get pregnant quickly, they won't be able to get pregnant if one of these four steps is missing!

I think everyone should have some understanding of polycystic cysts. First of all, most typical feature of polycystic cysts is weight gain, and getting rid of such morbid obesity is not easy, so patients will always ask questions. . Is it really impossible to get pregnant if you can't lose weight? In fact, it is not difficult for girls with PCOS to get pregnant. As long as you take next four steps, you can get pregnant. Come and learn with editor.

Let's look at a few typical manifestations of polycystic disease:

①Overweight or obese.

If girls with PCOS want to get pregnant quickly, they won't be able to get pregnant if one of these four steps is missing!

② The body hair is relatively larger, hair is black and thick, and it is also accompanied by alopecia.

③Irregular menstruation, longer or shorter, more or less.

④ Inability to conceive because there are too many follicles in ovary and follicles are not large enough to ovulate.

Remember polycystic tetralogy:

First, get pregnant as early as possible

As we all know, optimal age for bearing children in women is 23-30 years old, and as they grow older, chances of conception decrease. Especially girls with PCOS need to be treated as early as possible to prepare for pregnancy so that chances of conceiving are better, otherwise it will be difficult to get pregnant.

If girls with PCOS want to get pregnant quickly, they won't be able to get pregnant if one of these four steps is missing!

Second, timely assessment of diseases before pregnancy

For patients with PCOS, pre-pregnancy assessment is very necessary. After finding infertility, they should go to hospital in time for examination and evaluation to check their physical condition. Patients with generalized polycystic disease need to check: a complete set of sex hormones, glucose tolerance test, insulin release test, blood lipids, liver and kidney function, V-ultrasound of vagina, etc.

Third, treatment of polycystic drainage

The main symptoms in women with polycystic ovaries in preparation for pregnancy are menstrual irregularities, anovulation and infertility. For this reason, with some treatments, treatment of infertility is main goal. Based on regulation of endocrine system, you can choose injections to induce ovulation.

Fourthly, it is important to adjust your lifestyle

If girls with PCOS want to get pregnant quickly, they won't be able to get pregnant if one of these four steps is missing!

The most typical symptom of PCOS is obesity, so it is recommended to lose weight first, but not blindly, you can listen to what doctor says and make a weight loss plan so that effect is better.

Perhaps many patients with PCOS think that this disease is difficult to conceive. In fact, as long as they actively cooperate in treatment, hope of childbearing is very high.