How long is considered normal for pregnancy? After exceeding this period, future parents should pay attention

Preparing for pregnancy is a very magical thing. Many couples who are planning to conceive start preparing for pregnancy in advance. Some may become pregnant within two or three months of preparing for pregnancy, but some may not conceive for half a month. a year or even longer Pregnancy, which will make them anxious. So, how long is it normal not to get pregnant, let's see.

How long is it normal to not be pregnant?

The time from pregnancy planning to actual pregnancy should be considered according to the actual situation. Different couples have different situations. Some couples conceive within one or two months of trying to conceive, while others take three or four months or more.

How long is considered normal for pregnancy? After exceeding this period, future parents should pay attention

However, generally speaking, if you are pregnant for more than one year, you need to consider whether there are problems with your body. But if there are no problems with body itself, then you don’t have to worry too much about pregnancy. Don't put too much psychological pressure on yourself. Sometimes too much stress and worry can affect outcome of a pregnancy.

So, while preparing for pregnancy, you should relax. Perhaps, if you do not insist, child will soon come to you.

During pregnancy, couples should pay attention to following:

1. Maintain a good attitude

How long is considered normal for pregnancy? After exceeding this period, future parents should pay attention

Some couples trying to conceive experience a lot of psychological pressure because they haven't conceived in months. First of all, you need to set up your mentality, don't push yourself too hard, you can go out. for a walk, if you have nothing to do, relax your mind, and a good pregnancy will naturally accompany you.

2. Find your ovulation period

The success of conception is closely related to period of ovulation. Typically, a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation day is 14 days before her period, and ovulation is 5 days before and 4 days after, for a total of 10 days. The period with highest pregnancy success rate is day before ovulation, day after ovulation, and day after ovulation, so women who want to get pregnant should calculate their ovulation period and take advantage of this opportunity.

However, for women with irregular periods, it is more difficult to calculate period of ovulation. At this time, you will need auxiliary tools. You can go to hospital to monitor your ovulation period, or you can use an ovulation monitor at home to monitor it, which is more convenient.

3. Extra meals

How long is considered normal for pregnancy? After exceeding this period, future parents should pay attention

Folic acid supplementation is required three months before pregnancy, which plays an important role in growth and development of fetus. Not only women, but also men need folic acid supplements. In addition, certain other nutrients such as protein, iron, selenium, vitamins, etc. must be taken in moderation.

The above is some general information about preparing for pregnancy. I hope this can help everyone. If couples who are planning to conceive have not conceived after one year of pregnancy, they should be vigilant. They may suffer from infertility. Hospital for treatment, in order to ensure early detection and early treatment, child can visit as soon as possible.