Spring is a good time to prepare for pregnancy, but pay special attention to these three things!

They say that spring is season of restoration of all things. At this time, both nature and people feel vitality, so doing something at this time of year is more joyful. For sisters who are preparing for pregnancy, spring is also very suitable, but during preparation for pregnancy, you should pay attention to following three things. Next, let's see what three things are.

These three things should be paid attention to when preparing for pregnancy in spring

The main thing: keeping warm is very important

Spring is a good time to prepare for pregnancy, but pay special attention to these three things!

Everyone says "Spring covers autumn and freezes." This suggestion is not unfounded. Although spring has now arrived, but breath of winter has not completely left, so sooner or later it will still be a little cold at this time. If you do not take care to keep warm, you can easily catch a cold, which also has a big impact on preparing for pregnancy.

Second: prevent infection

Despite fact that weather is getting warmer in spring, bacteria and viruses are also awakening. Especially during seasons, there will be more colds to avoid infection with viruses.

Third rule: try not to put flowers and plants indoors

Although flowers and plants are very beautiful, if you are allergic to flowers and plants, try not to put flowers and plants indoors during pregnancy, so as not to cause physical discomfort. a few pots outside. As for freezing to death.

Spring is a good time to prepare for pregnancy, but pay special attention to these three things!
Pay attention to these details during pregnancy

1. First of all, consider your age and get pregnant as soon as possible.

2. Control weight, BMI from 20 to 25;

3. Balance your immune system early: Pay attention to any immune aspects that may affect your overall health, conception, implantation, and pregnancy maintenance. Many miscarriage factors (including implantation factors) are associated with autoimmune diseases;

4. Avoid irregular sleep;

5. Give up smoking, coffee, alcohol and drugs.

Spring is a good time to prepare for pregnancy, but pay special attention to these three things!

6. Reduce your intake of trans fatty acids and increase your intake of monounsaturated fats;

7. Selective nutritional supplements such as arginine, L-carnitine, lipoic acid, vitamin A, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, probiotics, multivitamins and minerals, etc.

The above are some small methods of preparing for pregnancy. I hope everyone can understand that if you have not become pregnant after more than one year of pregnancy preparation, you need to go to hospital to check your physical condition, find out problem and solve it in time, and you will have a good pregnancy.