Delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, there are four possibilities, women should be vigilant

Do all your friends know about menstruation? Menstruation is not only a "barometer" of women's health, but also an important condition that affects pregnancy. Therefore, regular menstruation can make a woman healthier and increase fertility. But if you are experiencing a delay in menstruation, you should be vigilant. Many people think that they are pregnant, but in fact, apart from pregnancy, there are four possibilities for delaying menstruation. Girlfriends should be vigilant.

In addition to pregnancy, there are other reasons for delaying menstruation

1. Influence of external factors

Delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, there are four possibilities, women should be vigilant

After female endocrine system is disturbed by external factors, it is prone to fluctuations. For example, emotional ups and downs, excessive stress, environmental or weather changes, etc. can cause fluctuations in female endocrine system, lead to endocrine disorders, delay menstruation. If delay time due to external factors is usually about one week, you should pay attention to it if it exceeds this period of time.

2. Diseases of ovaries and uterus

Problems with ovaries and uterus in women often cause anxiety among girlfriends due to irregular menstruation. If a friend suffers from diseases such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, it will cause irregular periods. If there is such a disease in body, it is necessary to actively seek medical help in order to eliminate “source” of delayed menstruation as soon as possible.

3. Effects of drugs

If a woman has taken birth control pills or certain drugs that harm uterus, her period may also be delayed and she may seek a doctor's advice.

4. Excessive weight loss

Delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, there are four possibilities, women should be vigilant

I believe that women who love beauty want to have a "devilish" figure, so many women overweight in order to lose weight. You should know that if a woman wants to have a normal menstrual cycle, her body fat content must reach at least 22%, so if she abuses diet or weight loss drugs, it can cause endocrine disorders in body causing unpleasant impression. such as delayed menstruation and severe cases. Amenorrhea may occur.

How to regulate delay of menstrual cycle?

01. Keep up your spirits

Some women experience bloating, back pain, breast tenderness, lethargy, and emotional instability during their period. A week before your period, you should pay attention to putting your emotions in order, because a good mood can relax your aunt.

02. It is not recommended to eat hot and sour food

Women with irregular periods due to blood heat should pay special attention to eating less spicy foods such as chili, curry, ginger, garlic, etc. You can eat more lotus root, black fungus and other cleansing foods. from heat and chilly blood.

Delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, there are four possibilities, women should be vigilant

03. Be sure to rest

People who don't eat well or overwork are more likely to ruin their mood. After a spleen deficiency, they cannot control blood flow normally, which can easily lead to early menstruation. Three meals a day is regular and quantitative, eat less raw foods , cold, fatty and other irritating foods, and ensure adequate rest.

The above are some of causes of missed periods. If your period is more than 7 days late, you should consider whether it is caused by above factors or if you are pregnant. You should go to hospital in time. After conditioning, doctor will give you a more professional solution to help you solve this problem.