If a woman has these two characteristics, it means that quality of the egg is very good and can be hit with one blow.

You should know that only high quality eggs can be fertilized with sperm and babies born will be healthier, but if egg quality is poor, it is difficult to form a fertilized egg for implantation. implantation is successful, quality of embryo will be low. It will be relatively low, so if you want to have a healthy and lively baby, you must have quality eggs. So what are characteristics of a woman with good egg quality? How can I get pregnant quickly if egg quality is poor? Let's get a look.

What are characteristics of women with good egg quality?

1. Regular menstrual cycle

If a woman has these two characteristics, it means that quality of the egg is very good and can be hit with one blow.

Menstruation is a barometer of health of a woman's uterus and ovaries. Regular menstrual cycles, consistent menstrual flow, and a normal color often mean that uterus and ovaries are functioning normally, ovulation is regular, and egg quality is better. If a woman's periods are often delayed, menstrual blood is scanty, dark in color with blood clots, and problem of dysmenorrhea is severe, a cold palace may occur. Irregular eating habits, severe mental stress, and lack of sleep are all factors that cause menstrual irregularities.

2. Moderate figure

Excessive obesity and malnutrition likely cause endocrine disruption, which in turn affects ovulation. If a woman has less fat and less estrogen secretion, it cannot support development of follicles, resulting in difficulty in ovulation; it interferes with normal level of hormones in body, affects maturity of follicles and prevents normal release of eggs.

Poor egg quality, how to get pregnant quickly

1. Keep a good mood

Bad emotions can reduce secretion of immune active substances in body, and strong mood swings or sudden and intense mental stimulation can alter central nervous system, causing ovarian dysfunction and menstrual irregularities.

If a woman has these two characteristics, it means that quality of the egg is very good and can be hit with one blow.

2. Stay away from hazardous environments

Vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions, electrical radiation and other substances can cause chromosomal mutations in eggs and affect fertility. Rubber products, flammable products, pesticides, plastic products, antioxidant metabolite 4-ethylene, tobacco, etc. If you are planning to get pregnant, you should stay away from this environment because it will affect ovaries.

3. Develop good lifestyle and nutritional habits

Stop smoking, limit alcohol, avoid overeating, and eat more fresh vegetable juices, leeks, beans, seaweed, etc. Long-term contraceptives and drug weight loss lead to malnutrition and protein deficiency, which causes ovarian dysfunction .

4. Avoid sexual activity during your period

If a woman has these two characteristics, it means that quality of the egg is very good and can be hit with one blow.

Menstruation can also affect egg quality. If you have sex during your period, it will cause pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and other diseases due to production of anti-sperm antibodies that reduce quality of eggs.

5. Proper exercise

Appropriate participation in some physical exercise or aerobic exercise is very important to improve egg quality, such as jogging, gymnastics, swimming, taijiquan and so on.

The foregoing presents several characteristics of a good quality egg and how to deal with poor egg quality. I think everyone has already figured it out. If your eggs are good, get ready for pregnancy as soon as possible. If your eggs are of poor quality, try methods above to improve them, or go to hospital for more effective treatment.