These lifestyle habits can make it difficult for women to get pregnant, and many people do this as a last resort.

Many people think that birth of a child is very painful, but once they have a child, they feel that pain is worth it, so most couples still want their own child, which can not only be passed down family line, but also bring joy family. Why not, but not everyone gets pregnant so easily. It is difficult to get pregnant if you have these lifestyle habits on a regular basis. Let's see what these habits are.

These lifestyle habits can prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

Bad Habit 1: Excessive Weight Loss

These lifestyle habits can make it difficult for women to get pregnant, and many people do this as a last resort.

Nowadays, girlfriends can go on a diet and eat vegetarian food for sake of body shape, and weight is lost, but body nutrition is lost, which affects endocrine system, leads to menstrual irregularities, and even leads to infertility in severe cases .

Bad habit 2: Irregular work and rest

With an accelerated pace of life and increased pressure at work, more and more women are facing turmoil in their lives. The direct impact is endocrine disorders that disrupt ovulation cycle.

Irregular lifestyles, short sleep times, and reverse biological clocks disrupt normal hypothalamic function, affect pineal gland function, make the ovaries unable to secrete sex hormones normally, and cause ovulation dysfunction.

Bad habits three, unbalanced diet

These lifestyle habits can make it difficult for women to get pregnant, and many people do this as a last resort.

Your body needs a balanced diet to keep fit. This does not mean that you should follow a strict diet, but that you should eat in moderation and quality. If you're trying to conceive, you need to make sure you're getting all vitamins and minerals you need from your diet. There are even certain foods that can boost your fertility, such as fish and whole grains.

Bad habit 4: Intercourse during your period

From point of view of women's health, sexual intercourse during menstruation is unacceptable. Usually, bacteria cannot enter pelvic cavity because cervix is ​​closed, but during menstruation, cervix becomes loose and less protected. If you have intercourse during this time, bacteria and blood can easily enter the pelvic cavity, causing pelvic inflammatory disease. More seriously, endometriosis can be caused at a later stage. Both are infertility killers.

Five bad habits, excessive psychological pressure

These lifestyle habits can make it difficult for women to get pregnant, and many people do this as a last resort.

The accelerated pace of modern life makes women carry a lot of work, which affects function of women's ovaries, reduces secretion of female hormones, and thus affects ovulation. Even due to severe emotional stress, early amenorrhea will come, which has become main culprit of female infertility.

The above bad habits must be avoided in time to have a good pregnancy. I also wish a speedy conception to everyone who plans to conceive a child.