Attention women! Inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs are dangerous, do not delay treatment

Inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs also have a different name - adnexitis. This is a relatively common female gynecological disease that causes great harm to women. Therefore, if women want to restore their health, they must first go to a regular hospital. for timely treatment, should not delay condition. The editor will then invite everyone to take a look at specific dangers of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Why are pelvic inflammatory diseases dangerous?

Danger 1

An ectopic pregnancy has occurred. Inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs most often occur due to untimely treatment, over time, mucous membrane of fallopian tubes can stick together with mucous membrane, which leads to narrowing or atresia of lumen. Thus, work of eggs, sperm or fertilized eggs will be blocked, which will lead to an ectopic pregnancy.

Danger 2

Infertility occurs. Pelvic inflammatory disease will directly affect function of uterus and fallopian tubes, especially chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, which will cause rigidity or blockage of fallopian tubes, seriously affect delivery of sperm and eggs, and ultimately lead to infertility.

Danger Three

Dysmenorrhea appears. Because pelvic inflammatory disease involves inflammation of all internal parts of reproductive organs, including uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Therefore, range of dysmenorrhea caused is very large, mainly manifested in form of persistent pain in upper abdomen on both sides, which can radiate to lower back, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of fullness in anus.

The Fourth Peril

Painful sex. When a husband and wife are having sex, if husband uses a little force, it will cause a deep stabbing pain in woman's pelvic cavity, so that woman will not only feel no pleasure, but even become disgusted with sex life after sex. a lot of time.

The Fifth Peril

Pelvic adhesions have developed. Severe pelvic inflammatory disease spreads to pelvic peritoneum, uterus, and other tissues, eventually causing extensive stickiness.

So, how can women prevent pelvic inflammatory disease?

1. To prevent various infections, keep perineum clean and dry, wash vulva every evening with clean water, change underwear frequently, and do not wear tight or chemical fiber underwear;

2. After menstruation, abortion, removal of rings and other gynecological operations, due to vaginal bleeding, swimming, bathing and sauna use should be prohibited to avoid penetration of germs and infection;

3. Some patients have chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and experience little discomfort, so they self-administer antibiotics. Long-term use leads to disruption of vaginal flora, resulting in increased vaginal discharge, leucorrhea similar to leucorrhoea. At this time, you should urgently go to hospital to rule out fungal vaginitis.

The above is a summary of pelvic inflammatory disease. Hope they help you. Once you discover pelvic inflammatory disease, you must treat them promptly, otherwise they will aggravate condition and even lead to infertility.