It is difficult for women with such irregular periods to conceive.

As we all know, women are closely associated with menstruation since puberty, and menstruation, which comes every month, also brings women unprecedented feelings. In addition to turning blood red every day, they also suffer from dysmenorrhea, which is severe in women and can only be alleviated with medication. But if menstruation comes late or early, it will cause them great anxiety, especially for sisters who are planning to conceive: if menstruation is irregular, chances of getting pregnant increase. It is difficult for women with such irregular periods to become pregnant.

What diseases with irregular menstruation can lead to infertility?

Associated with uterine lesions

It is difficult for women with such irregular periods to conceive.

In large endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids and large intramural fibroids, this can significantly affect shape of uterine cavity, and then lead to impossibility of implanting fertilized eggs. Adenomyosis with a greatly enlarged uterus often has heavy menses and secondary dysmenorrhea, which can lead to pregnancy difficulties. Endometriosis is often accompanied by secondary dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, or other systemic symptoms associated with menstruation, such as diarrhea, constipation, blood in stool, frequent urination, urgency, hematuria, hemoptysis, and pneumothorax. Malignant tumors of endometrium not only affect fertility, but also threaten lives of patients.

Associated iatogenic factors

If intrauterine adhesions after curettage of multiple abortions are manifested by a decrease in menstrual flow or even amenorrhea, this is due to infertility caused by an abnormal shape of uterine cavity.

Associated ovulation disorders

May present with secondary amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities. Secondary amenorrhea refers to cessation of menstruation within 6 months of establishment of normal menstruation, or cessation of more than 3 cycles based on original menstrual cycle. Common causes include polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, and premature ovarian failure.

Polycystic ovary syndrome has some specific manifestations, such as clinical manifestations of androgen excess (acne, hirsutism, etc.) or biochemical manifestations (only high levels of androgens in blood without clinical manifestations), oligomenorrhea, persistent lack of ovulation, polycystic ovarian changes. . In addition, it is often accompanied by insulin resistance and obesity.

It is difficult for women with such irregular periods to conceive.

Premature ovarian failure is a malfunction of ovaries before age of 40 leading to amenorrhea. It is characterized by primary or secondary amenorrhea accompanied by an increase in blood levels of gonadotropin and a decrease in estrogen levels, accompanied by a range of symptoms of low estrogen levels to varying degrees, such as hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, facial flushing, and low libido.

How to regulate irregular menstruation?

1. Regular work and rest: If you have irregular periods, you should pay attention to regular work and rest, go to bed and get up on time every day, stay up late and ensure adequate sleep. persistence will help improve irregular menstruation.

2. Adjust your diet structure wisely: during normal times, try to eat as lightly as possible, avoid foods high in sugar, fat and overly fatty foods, and prevent excessive accumulation of body fat. In addition, eating raw, cold, and spicy foods should be avoided, which will help improve irregular menstruation.

It is difficult for women with such irregular periods to conceive.

3. Medication conditioning: If above method is used for conditioning, and if it still does not improve, you can follow doctor's advice and apply conditioning drugs such as motherwort granules, Buzhong Yiqi tablets, Wuji Baifeng. Tablets, etc., which are useful in improving irregular menstruation.

Women should pay attention to irregular periods and, if necessary, seek medical attention as soon as possible, and be treated and corrected under guidance of a physician.