Have you met standards for high quality follicles? Do this to make it easier to get pregnant

Women want to ovulate with high quality eggs. The role of follicles is very important. Only when follicles mature and rupture can they ovulate smoothly. If follicles develop slowly, they will not rupture and eggs will not be released. Impossible, so if you want follicles to mature, you must do following. Let's see below.

Three criteria for quality follicles:

1. Follicles must be large enough

Have you met standards for high quality follicles? Do this to make it easier to get pregnant

A mature follicle reaches a size of 18 to 25 mm, so quality of eggs released in this way is better, and it is easier to get pregnant. If it is less or more than this range, it will affect pregnancy to some extent. The follicles are small, function of corpus luteum is poor, some follicles do not rupture after maturation and do not ovulate. The egg will continue to grow. When it grows to 30-40 mm, it becomes useless and loses ability to ovulate.

2. Follicle Shape

Excellent follicles are full and round. If follicles are flat, quality of such follicles will be poor.

3. The number of follicles in ovaries

Typically, one mature egg is released each month, and sometimes two or more eggs. The follicles live in ovary and number of follicles in ovary also affects quality of follicles. If several follicles develop at same time, there is no obvious advantage. Women trying to conceive may suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. If left untreated, it will be difficult to ovulate and conceive normally.

How to grow high-quality follicles?

1. Prepare for pregnancy as early as possible

Have you met standards for high quality follicles? Do this to make it easier to get pregnant

We must know that our reproductive organs continue to deteriorate with age, especially ovaries. When we turn 35, ovaries will deteriorate and pregnancy rate will decrease at this time, so it is better to prepare for pregnancy at right age is best choice.

2. Diet and rest should be regular

Currently, people's bodies do not have correct proportions, some people will be fatter and some thinner, and being too fat or too thin will affect the development of follicles, which will affect conception, so if you want to get pregnant, you must first get rid of unhealthy diet and work and rest to avoid a decrease in ovarian function.

3. Seek immediate medical attention

Have you met standards for high quality follicles? Do this to make it easier to get pregnant

If you've been trying to conceive for over a year and haven't conceived, it's highly likely that there's a problem with your body. At this time, remember to enter blind spot of pregnancy preparation, and you should go to regular hospital for professional treatment in time to get cured as soon as possible, and also get pregnant as soon as possible.

Above are some standards for dominant follicles and some methods for growing follicles. I hope this helps you. If your follicles are developing slowly, you must correct them in time. You can customize them using the methods above.