Is It Difficult to Get Pregnant After a Womb? Here's Why You Haven't Mastered This Skill

Preparing for pregnancy is a very wonderful thing. Some people get it when they don't want to, and some people always wanted to but couldn't come. In fact, apart from our living habits, some of them are problems with our own reproductive organs. Let's say today Speaking of position of uterus, anterior position of uterus is relatively easier to conceive because it is closest to cervix, and sperm can enter shortest time, while posterior position of uterus is relatively difficult to conceive, so we must consider some methods. So, how can you get pregnant with a posterior uterus?

Why is it difficult to get pregnant with a posterior uterus? Is It Difficult to Get Pregnant After a Womb? Here's Why You Haven't Mastered This Skill

It is not easy for women with a retroverted uterus to get pregnant because position of cervix changes, because cervix of a woman with a retroverted uterus is inverted, so sperm cannot soak into cervix after intercourse, thus blocking path for sperm. enter uterus. But there is no need to be nervous when this happens, and some simple methods can be used to correct it, such as not getting up immediately after intercourse and keeping buttocks elevated for about 20-30 minutes, which can help sperm. enter uterus, thereby increasing chances of a successful conception.

A method of conception useful in retroposition of uterus

1. Women should do exercises lying down and kneeling two to three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes each time.

When menstruation comes, women should also insist on exercising once a day.

Is It Difficult to Get Pregnant After a Womb? Here's Why You Haven't Mastered This Skill

The uterus is soft when menstruating, and exercise can obviously improve uterine retroversion. If posterior position of uterus is difficult, women should more often perform chest-knee exercises in kneeling position.

The knee-chest kneeling position means: kneeling on ground, body and ground form 90 degrees, and then waist is bent down. Women do this exercise for 15-20 minutes at a time.

2. During intercourse, you can place a pillow under a woman's buttocks to elevate her buttocks so that semen can concentrate in vaginal fornix.

3. After sexual intercourse, women should lie down for about 30 minutes so that sperm can concentrate in vaginal fornix and cervix can immerse in the semen.

Is It Difficult to Get Pregnant After a Womb? Here's Why You Haven't Mastered This Skill

4. After sex, women should not immediately go to toilet to prevent semen from leaking out of body.

The above content is a brief introduction to posterior position of uterus. I hope it can help you. If posterior position of uterus is difficult to conceive, use pregnancy position to help you conceive. I also hope that you who are preparing for pregnancy can get pregnant as soon as possible.