Hard to prepare for pregnancy? Be on lookout for a few "killers" that threaten fertility!

For couples who are trying to conceive, fertility is very important. Only good fertility can make pregnancy easier. If fertility is weak, chances of pregnancy will decrease. The reason why many women find it difficult to prepare for pregnancy is mainly due to lifestyle, so if we want to ensure stronger fertility, we must avoid these bad habits.

What are the main "killers" that threaten fertility?

1. Stay up late often

Hard to prepare for pregnancy? Be on lookout for a few "killers" that threaten fertility!

Staying up late these days is norm for young people. Most young people have a habit of going to bed late. Staying up until early in morning, and staying up late for a long time, will not only not relax body, but also cause endocrine disorders that will affect quality of eggs, making it difficult to conceive.

2. Wrong eating habits

Modern people do not pay much attention to their eating habits, such as barbecue, hamburgers, fried food, etc. Although these foods are delicious, they are harmful to body, and some people go on a diet to lose weight. Excessive diet will affect disruption of estrogen in body, so getting pregnant is not easy.

3. Big pressure

Hard to prepare for pregnancy? Be on lookout for a few "killers" that threaten fertility!

Stress and stress can also affect fertility. Women of childbearing age are prone to endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation and even menopause with a change of scenery, mood swings, prolonged stress. In this case, of course, getting pregnant is not easy. Increasing competition in employment has increased pressure on many women in workplace. Prolonged anxiety, depression or fear affects women's pregnancy.

4. Bad sexual habits

Some young women do not pay attention to hygiene in their sexual life or have chaotic sex. They are infected with venereal diseases, but are in incubation period. The impact is not visible for some time, but they unknowingly cause inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs, leading to infertility. In addition, intercourse during menstruation can easily cause bacteria and blood to enter pelvic cavity through loose cervix, causing infection. More seriously, if retrograde menstrual blood remains in pelvic cavity, it will cause endometriosis. Both are "killers" that destroy fertility.

5. Age factor

Hard to prepare for pregnancy? Be on lookout for a few "killers" that threaten fertility!

Aging has a huge impact on a woman's fertility. From point of view of female physiological patterns, fertility is highest between ages of 20 and 24, slowly decreases after 30 years, decreases rapidly after 35 years, and at 35 it is half that at age of 35. 25 years old, at 40 years old - half as much as at 35 years old, after 44 years, about 87% of women lose ability to conceive.

After reading so much, everyone should understand that there are many factors that make pregnancy difficult, so you must first find out cause of infertility and treat symptoms so that you can get pregnant faster.