How to Get Pregnant in One Click on Valentine's Day: 4 Ways to Get Pregnant!

Valentine's Day is a good day, on this day all women look forward to what gifts their husbands or boyfriends can give them, and it is also day with highest level of sexual intercourse, but for those couples who want to get pregnant, If you want to get pregnant in one hit that day, you must give up the following four methods. Next, let's take a look at 4 methods of assisted pregnancy.

How to get pregnant with one click on Valentine's Day? 4 ways to help you get pregnant!

Method 1: Dad-dad is not a quantity

How to Get Pregnant in One Click on Valentine's Day: 4 Ways to Get Pregnant!

I believe that many couples who are planning to conceive think that as long as they have more intercourse, they will definitely be able to conceive one day, but this is not case. Too frequent sexual intercourse will reduce sperm quality and it will also cause women to absorb some heterosexual proteins and develop immunity, so it is difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, if you want to ensure sperm quality, it is recommended to reduce number of intercourses. Of course, longer you "hold on", better sperm quality. You can have two to three intercourses. once a week, which can not only ensure sperm quality, but also help during pregnancy.

Method 2: Create an atmosphere, physical and mental pleasure is very important

For many couples who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for a long time, anxiety and stress are number one enemy. If men have sex with pressure, as if they are doing a task, quality should not be high. Women who are under pressure for a long time can also cause endocrine problems, lead to abnormal ovulation, and affect pregnancy.

So even though you are in pre-pregnancy period, you should do your best to relax and enjoy fun of husband and wife. Forget about task, forget about forcing a man, caress more, increase interest in communication, relax and love, and enjoy sweetness of this moment! It is very useful to know that high female sexual pleasure is very conducive to conception!< /p> How to Get Pregnant in One Click on Valentine's Day: 4 Ways to Get Pregnant!

Method 3: You can properly "work overtime" when you're ovulating

As we all know, ovulation period is few days with highest pregnancy rate, and we can increase number of intercourse on these days, but we must find out ovulation period. Women with regular periods can count on first day of next menstrual cramps. Counting down to 14 days or minus 14 days is day of ovulation. If menstruation is irregular, we can use B-ultrasound to monitor ovulation or some ovulation symptoms to judge.

Method 4. Relax and don't let joyful events turn into sad ones

How to Get Pregnant in One Click on Valentine's Day: 4 Ways to Get Pregnant!

The first thing to do to get pregnant on Valentine's Day is forget about task, forget about making a man, caress more, increase interest in same room, relax and love, and enjoy sweetness of this moment! You should know that a woman's high sexual pleasure is very beneficial for conception. !

The above are some ways to prepare for pregnancy on Valentine's Day. Hope this helps everyone. Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday. He is more important~