What should I do if I have been infertile for a long time? Teach you 5 easy ways to boost your fertility!

For young people nowadays, good fertility is very rare, because chances of infertility among young people are getting higher and higher, and some cannot even become pregnant for several years. Heart disease in patients with infertility, so they are more all in need of how to improve your fertility and get pregnant in a short amount of time. Next, we will teach you 5 tricks that will easily improve your fertility.

Don't be afraid of infertility for a long time, 5 tricks to help improve fertility

First, couples should have pre-pregnancy checkups

What should I do if I have been infertile for a long time? Teach you 5 easy ways to boost your fertility!

Currently, people pay more attention to prenatal and postnatal care, so preventive examinations begin to take place in preparation for pregnancy. Inspection points are usually divided into women's and men's. Woman: routine leucorrhea, mycoplasma, chlamydia, cervical cancer screening, gynecological examination, doppler ultrasound, electrocardiogram, blood sugar, thyroid function, prenatal and postnatal care. Man: Routine semen analysis. Physical problems can be detected earlier and treated in time.

Second trick: ovulation timing is important

As we all know, ovulation is a must for every woman. There is only a chance of ovulating once a month, so sisters preparing for pregnancy should take opportunity to have sex to increase chance of pregnancy. Generally, women with regular periods can go through their period. Calculated by cycle, sisters with menstrual irregularities can also analyze symptoms of ovulation, such as: leucorrhea, ovulation pain, ovulation bleeding, etc., but it is recommended to go to hospital for ovulation monitoring, which will be more accurate.

Third measure: maintain proper physical activity

What should I do if I have been infertile for a long time? Teach you 5 easy ways to boost your fertility!

The main exercises that can be done during pregnancy are jogging, brisk walking, walking, swimming, yoga, etc. Proper exercise during pregnancy can promote blood circulation throughout body and secretion of dopamine by adrenal glands, which can help speed up metabolism, maintain a good mood, improve a woman's physique and egg quality, and help prepare for pregnancy.

The Fourth Measure: Get Enough Sleep

To give birth to a child in a healthy and safe way, all pregnant women must be a healthy mother for a child. Every evening they can prepare something for going to bed before 9 o'clock, such as washing their feet and face until 8 o'clock, relaxing, putting on pajamas and falling asleep in a comfortable state. This is a good way.

Trick #5: Keep your mood stable

What should I do if I have been infertile for a long time? Teach you 5 easy ways to boost your fertility!

While preparing for pregnancy, you should adjust your mentality and relax. Self-relaxation is a very good way. During pregnancy, it is better not to experience too much psychological pressure. At same time, you need to take a deep breath. Take a deep breath to relieve tension and be sure to maintain emotional stability. Especially for women who have never been pregnant, don't worry. You can listen to lighter music. Chat more with friends. Improve your nervousness.

Have you learned above 5 tricks? If you are still in pre-pregnancy stage, you can try them. You may become pregnant next month. then start preparing for pregnancy in order to have a baby as soon as possible.