Why some get pregnant at first touch, but you are infertile for a long time: listen to explanation of experts

Have you ever experienced this phenomenon where two people get married together but two years later both get pregnant with their second child and you are still preparing for your first child and there is no news this will happen will make you very worried. Actually this is what we often talk about easy pregnancy constitution or infertility constitution and others refer to easy pregnancy constitution, so what can you do to have easy pregnancy constitution too? What the experts are saying today.

Experts said: certain conditions are necessary to become a fertile physique.

Condition 1. Menstrual cycle must be regular

Why some get pregnant at first touch, but you are infertile for a long time: listen to explanation of experts

Periods have been with us since adolescence, and they won't go away until menopause. But if women want to get pregnant quickly, they must first have regular menstruation, be it menstrual cycle, menstrual volume, menstrual days, etc. Regular menstruation also symbolizes perfection and maturity of female reproductive system, so only regular menstruation can facilitate pregnancy.

Condition 2: Childbearing age is at optimal age

As we all know, best childbearing age for both men and women, best age for men is 25-35 years old, and best childbearing age for women is 25-29 years old, but with living conditions With continuous improvement of people's awareness of fertility , people's awareness of childbearing is also getting weaker and weaker. Some women are not ready to conceive until they are older, and some women do not even plan to have children, but if they decide to have children, they should try to choose best age to have children .The reproductive system of women is relatively mature and perfect, and chance of a successful pregnancy will be higher.

Condition 3. Married life is clean and hygienic

Why some get pregnant at first touch, but you are infertile for a long time: listen to explanation of experts

If you want to get pregnant, married life is a key factor, but if married life is too frequent or if you do not pay attention to hygiene after married life, bacteria can easily multiply and lead to gynecological diseases. Therefore, when couples plan to have children, family life should be clean and hygienic.

Condition 4. Weight during pregnancy is very important

Healthy weight is important for a woman's health and fertility, as too little or too much weight can affect a woman's menstruation, which will affect pregnancy. Among them, being underweight has a greater impact on menstruation. And women who are underweight can affect conception due to a lack of nutrients. Among them, female star Big S paid a lot of attention to supplementary nutrition and weight gain in preparation for pregnancy.

Why some get pregnant at first touch, but you are infertile for a long time: listen to explanation of experts

After reading above characteristics of a constitution predisposed to pregnancy, come and see if you have them?