Which uterus is not so easy to get pregnant, reproductive specialists will tell you!

I believe that all sisters have a certain understanding of uterus. The uterus is an important organ for women to give birth to children. , but some women's uterus is difficult to conceive, which uterus is not easy to conceive? Let's take a look.

Which uterus is not so easy to get pregnant? Which uterus is not so easy to get pregnant, reproductive specialists will tell you!

As long as there are certain diseases in female uterus, it may not be easy to conceive a child. First of all, if there are submucosal uterine fibroids or relatively large intramural fibroids protruding towards women, this will cause patient's uterine cavity to deform, which over time interferes with smooth implantation of a fertilized egg, as a result of which patient cannot conceive a child.

Secondly, if acquaintances still have endometrial polyps, especially if area of ​​polyps is more than 1 cm, then it is likely that long polyps occupy most of area of ​​the uterine cavity. it is difficult for membrane to implant and it is not easy for patient to become pregnant. Of course, if a woman has uterine abnormalities, it can also affect a normal pregnancy, such as uterine septum, biocorneal organs, etc. However, whether this will affect pregnancy or not, an ultrasound of uterine appendix should be performed to determine type of disease, before evaluating whether it will affect pregnancy.

How to save our uterus?

1. Weight loss should be moderate

Which uterus is not so easy to get pregnant, reproductive specialists will tell you!

Women pay a lot of attention to their figure, so it is normal to lose weight correctly, but excessive weight loss will lead to an imbalance in endocrine system in body, which will cause some harm to uterus, so you need to lose weight correctly.

2. More sports

You should do a lot of exercise at usual times, especially if you have poor fitness and poor pain resistance. Proper exercise can ensure your health. You can also do light yoga. Don't do too much intense exercise. .

3. Eat less cold drinks

Which uterus is not so easy to get pregnant, reproductive specialists will tell you!

Women try not to touch cold water and eat fewer cold drinks so they can get enough rest and sleep more than 7 hours. During dysmenorrhea, they can drink some hot ginger tea to help body and excrete a small amount of menstrual blood, which will be very beneficial for health of female uterus and body.

The above content is about uterus, which is not easy to conceive. If your uterus is also sick, you should go to regular hospital in time for treatment, and at same time take good care of prevention of uterus, so that you can have good fertility.