Determine period of ovulation or not get pregnant? Maybe problem is here

As we all know, every pregnant woman will calculate her ovulation period and arrange intercourse on these days to prepare for pregnancy, because these days of ovulation have highest percentage of pregnancies, so most couples who are planning to conceive, do not miss it. but some women who are trying to get pregnant know exactly when they ovulate and have sex every month, but still can't get pregnant. Why? Let's see together.

The inability to conceive during ovulation may be due to these three factors.

1. Eggs cannot be produced normally

Determine period of ovulation or not get pregnant? Maybe problem is here

Systemic diseases such as severe malnutrition and obesity, endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism and adrenal cortex dysfunction, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis dysfunction, or ovarian disease affect ovarian function and ovulation.

2. The fertilization process is difficult

We all know that fallopian tubes are connected to each other by sperm and egg, and blockage of fallopian tubes interferes with fertilization process. Problems such as congenital fallopian tube dysplasia and inflammation of fallopian tubes can cause blocked fallopian tubes. So be sure to check your fallopian tubes before trying to conceive.

3. Implantation of a fertilized egg failed

Determine period of ovulation or not get pregnant? Maybe problem is here

Conception is a complex process. The successful entry of a sperm and an egg into uterine cavity does not mean that your pregnancy was successful, because if endometrium is not suitable for implantation of a fertilized egg, this will also lead to miscarriage. .

If you have a pregnancy plan, it is recommended that you get tested beforehand to confirm if your physical condition is suitable for childbearing.

Perform a fertility assessment and prepare scientifically for pregnancy. Fertility assessment is a systematic and scientific evaluation of pregnant women. It can scientifically guide pregnant men and women how to choose the best childbearing age and time of conception, as well as carry out pre-pregnancy guidance and medical care. Early diagnosis of physical health is carried out, if a disease affecting fertility is detected, it can be treated at an early stage.

Determine period of ovulation or not get pregnant? Maybe problem is here

In very process of preparing for pregnancy, quality and viability of spermatozoa, quality of eggs, absence of blockage of fallopian tubes, uterine deformity, presence of polyps or adhesions in uterine cavity, presence of an infection of reproductive tract, regardless of whether couple belongs to same species, or exclusion of autoimmunity, etc. . This will affect pregnancy and even lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes.