How do you know she was pregnant? Congrats mom if linen is changed like this

Many people want to conceive their children early in preparation for pregnancy. Various tests begin with ovulation and intercourse. Yes, for example, if timing of urinalysis is not accurate or method is incorrect, this may result in inaccurate measurements. In fact, if you want to know if you are pregnant, you can tell by changes in the woman's body. So, if such a change in women's panties occurs after ovulation, it is probably pregnancy.

If such a change occurs in your underwear, congratulations on becoming a mom.

In fact, when we say that it appears on underwear, this means that there is a lot of discharge on this underwear, that is, an increase in whites. If a woman is pregnant, leucorrhoea will increase accordingly, as well as discharge on linen will increase. This is because sperm and egg are combined with each other. When they are successfully implanted in uterine wall, body releases some hormones that stimulate cervix and cause cervix to secrete more secretions. This type of secretion looks very sticky and can be combed, so women

After pregnancy, women also experience following changes:

1. Delayed menstruation

Women ovulate every month. After ovulation, unfertilized egg and uterine lining are shed from body due to gradual changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. This is menstruation. Menstruation stops when a woman's egg is fertilized, implanted, and begins to grow on lining of uterus. Therefore, with a long delay in menstruation, possibility of pregnancy should be considered.

2. Increase in body temperature

After pregnancy, a woman increases secretion of estrogen and progesterone in body. Under influence of hormones, body temperature usually rises by 0.3-0.5 degrees after pregnancy and usually lasts about 3 months before body slowly returns to normal. temperature. So if you find that your body temperature has risen at a certain stage, this may be a sign of pregnancy.

3. Fatigue, lethargy

It is normal for many women to feel sleepy and tired after pregnancy. This is because hormone secretion of pregnant mothers increases after pregnancy. One of hormones is called luteinizing hormone, which plays a role in protecting fetus and preventing miscarriage. At same time, it has an anesthetic effect on pregnant women, so in pregnant women it causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, which usually lasts for about 3 months.

4. Non-menstrual vaginal bleeding

Some pregnant women may experience some vaginal bleeding around day 11 of pregnancy. This is because fertilized egg may have traveled to a place with abundant blood circulation in uterus, which is normal implantation bleeding of a fertilized egg, which usually lasts for one to two days. However, if bleeding is heavy or accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

5. Chest pain

Due to increase in estrogen and progesterone levels after pregnancy, this will promote second development of pregnant mother's breasts, which should prepare for future lactation, so breast pain will appear after pregnancy.

Not everyone will have pregnancy symptoms. Some people are careless in their lives, so it is difficult to detect changes in their body. If you have intercourse during your ovulation period, we can also use early pregnancy test strips to check for this, or go to the hospital for a blood test, which will be more accurate.