If you have these symptoms, congratulations! The fertilized egg is "implanted"! you are going to be a mother

As they say, "every child is an angel with broken wings" and they choose their parents after thousands of choices.

The biggest desire of parents is health of their children, so preparing for pregnancy is responsible for their children and necessary.

During pregnancy, you need to pay attention to many things. For example: pre-pregnancy screening, taking folic acid, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, regular work and rest, etc.

After pregnancy, baby will also have some reactions that mothers will notice. So, what are symptoms that indicate that you are going to become a mother?

These are sensations after pregnancy

Sensation 1: Increase in body temperature

During pregnancy, if a woman finds that her body temperature has changed significantly, this is probably a sign of pregnancy. Because after a woman becomes pregnant, her body temperature usually rises by about 0.5 degrees Celsius, and body temperature of a normal person is kept at 37 degrees Celsius. already pregnant.

If you have these symptoms, congratulations! The fertilized egg is "implanted"! you are going to be a mother

After entering zone of high temperature, life span of corpus luteum is 14 days, so it will always maintain a period of high temperature of about 12 days. On second day, body temperature again increased significantly, and this sudden decrease in temperature is cooling of implantation.

Feeling two: nausea

Some people experience symptoms of nausea in first few weeks after conception. You may feel nauseous or nauseous, and although nausea is also called "morning sickness", nausea is not limited to morning. You may feel nausea in your stomach all day, all night.

Third sensation: tingling in chest

You may be pregnant if your breasts feel tingly, tender, and swollen, which can happen in first few days after conception. If you suddenly don't recognize your breasts, you may be pregnant, don't worry! After your body adjusts to flow of hormones, pain will subside and your breasts will no longer feel discomfort.

If you have these symptoms, congratulations! The fertilized egg is "implanted"! you are going to be a mother

Sense four: feeling tired

You may have been full of energy before, but after pregnancy you will always feel tired. This is due to high levels of progesterone, which can lead to burnout. Almost all pregnant women suffer from this symptom, and you can look for other symptoms to confirm your suspicions.

Fifth sense: frequent urination

Frequent urination occurs after pregnancy. This is due to fact that after implantation of a fertilized egg in wall of uterus, it begins to secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If you're tired of getting up in middle of night to go to bathroom, don't worry. Consider this situation a form of learning, because before you really realize it, your little one will be crying in middle of night from hunger.

Sixth Sense: Symptoms of Bleeding or Spasms

Up to eight days after ovulation and implantation, you may develop a light pink or brown spot, which may also be accompanied by seizures. Initially, there may also be spotting during menstrual cycle, but this is not a true menstrual period. This is result of implantation of a fertilized egg in lining of uterus.

If you have these symptoms, congratulations! The fertilized egg is "implanted"! you are going to be a mother

Sense seven: nipple color changed

If you notice darkening of areolas or blue and pink lines on chest, this is not what you imagined. These are all signs of pregnancy.

If you already have above symptoms, it means you have successfully conceived. If you are still unsure, you can go to hospital for a V-ultrasound or six sex hormones. These two examination methods can be accurate. to check if you are pregnant.