Adenomyosis sufferers who often show these symptoms, quickly find out if you have them?

Girls now pay more attention to their gynecological problems, so they will go to hospital for regular checkups. When a certain disease is detected, timely treatment can prevent occurrence of more serious diseases. If on examination you find that you have adenomyosis, do not panic, it can be cured by actively cooperating with treatment. But many people do not know some of manifestations of adenomyosis, so treatment time will be delayed. Next, let's look at some of manifestations of adenomyosis.

What are manifestations of adenomyosis?

1. Irregular menstrual cycle

Adenomyosis sufferers who often show these symptoms, quickly find out if you have them?

Irregular cycles are associated with heavy menstrual flow and prolonged periods. If this time menstrual period lasts, next time it may be delayed. There are also patients who do not pass after menstruation, so at this time they can take some hemostatic drugs to control it.

2. Infertility

Infertility is an important consequence of adenomyosis due to growth of lesions in uterus that affect environment in uterus. The embryo is not suitable for implantation, resulting in infertility or fetal growth retardation and miscarriage during pregnancy, and longer adenomyosis, lower chance of pregnancy.

3. Dysmenorrhea gradually worsens

Adenomyosis sufferers who often show these symptoms, quickly find out if you have them?

During menstruation, pain in middle of lower abdomen progressively increases and may be accompanied by a sensation of falling into anus. This can happen before, during, or at end of your period. Over time, degree of dysmenorrhea gradually increases, and duration gradually lengthens. In severe cases, you even have to stop work and rest in bed, which affects normal life of patient and requires hospitalization for treatment on time.

4. Symptoms of Oppression

Adenomyosis can also lead to an enlarged uterus. Due to special anatomical position of uterus, it is easy to compress rectum and bladder, causing symptoms such as constipation, frequent urination, and urgency.

5. Sexual Pain

Endometriosis, which occurs in rectal fossa of uterus and rectal septum of vagina, causes swelling of surrounding tissues and affects sexual life, and also exacerbates sexual discomfort during premenstrual period.

How can adenomyosis be treated to get pregnant?

Adenomyosis patients can follow ovulation, and intercourse during ovulation can quickly lead to pregnancy. The treatment for patients with adenomyosis is often pain relief. The best way to relieve pain is not to have a period, so in many cases adenomyosis patients want to relieve their symptoms, doctor will tell them to get pregnant as soon as possible, but sometimes women with adenomyosis find it difficult to get pregnant, especially women with severe adenomyosis and a relatively large uterus to help patients to become pregnant.

Adenomyosis sufferers who often show these symptoms, quickly find out if you have them?

If adenomyosis is relatively mild, you can control ovulation and control timing of intercourse, which can speed up pregnancy. If adenomyosis uterus is relatively large, drugs such as Intraton and Diphereline can be used to contract uterus and then monitor ovulation to determine timing of pregnancy, which can help adenomyosis patients relieve pain and relieve cases of rapid growth of adenomyosis disease. .