Women Don't Feel Ovulation? If You Detect These Special Signals, You Should Pay Attention!

When trying to conceive, we all know that intercourse during ovulation period increases chance of pregnancy, so most women planning to conceive find their ovulation period and arrange intercourse, hoping that they can become pregnant next month, but some violations Menstrual cycle Girls, it can be difficult to determine moment of ovulation, and some women do not notice changes in their body during ovulation. So, do women really feel nothing when they ovulate? No, if following special signals appear, they are assumed to be ovulating.

What are special signs of ovulation?

Signal 1, slightly elevated body temperature

Women Don't Feel Ovulation? If You Detect These Special Signals, You Should Pay Attention!

When a woman approaches ovulation, her body temperature will be higher than usual, usually about 0.5 degrees Celsius higher. This is due to some changes in hormones in body that lead to an increase in body temperature, but we cannot see it with naked eye. When it comes out, it can only be measured with a thermometer. When it reaches its peak, it may be ovulation. At this time, you can arrange sexual intercourse.

Second signal, ovulation bleeding

This is due to a short-term drop in estrogen levels in body, causing endometrium to lose hormonal support, and it is easy to cause vaginal bleeding caused by partial endometrial shedding called ovulation bleeding. bleeding is small and continuous. If time is less than 7 days, this is a normal physiological symptom.

Signal 3 - ovulation pain

During ovulation, many women also experience mild cramping abdominal pain, slight pain in lower abdomen on one side and a slight feeling of discomfort, but some women feel very painful sensations. pain is called pain of female period of ovulation.

Women Don't Feel Ovulation? If You Detect These Special Signals, You Should Pay Attention!

Signal four, leucorrhoea on rise

Beli is vaginal discharge in women during ovulation. During ovulation, symptoms of leukorrhea increase in women. The leucorrhoea secreted by normal women is a kind of slightly acidic, odorless, sticky substance that performs functions of moisturizing vagina, excreting waste, and inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria. This is a normal physiological phenomenon.

If you want to get pregnant quickly, you need to pay attention to following points:

● Confirmation of ovulation period in women. As mentioned above, period of ovulation in women depends on menstrual cycle, so it is necessary to determine period of ovulation by observing menstrual cycle, measuring basal body temperature and observing condition of cervix. slime.

● Lead a healthy lifestyle. Both spouses should lead a healthy lifestyle, including a sensible diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding excessive drinking and smoking.

Women Don't Feel Ovulation? If You Detect These Special Signals, You Should Pay Attention!

● Avoid excessive stress or anxiety. Excessive stress or anxiety can affect a couple's physical and mental health and negatively impact pregnancy.

● Maintain intercourse frequency: Couples need to maintain an appropriate intercourse frequency during a woman's ovulation period to increase chance of pregnancy. It is usually more appropriate to have sex once every two or three days.

● Elimination of fertility problems. If a couple is unable to conceive within a year or so, they may go to hospital for appropriate tests to rule out fertility problems.