If Women Don't Want to 'Overspend' Their Fertility, These 4 Things Should Be Done Less

Every woman trying to conceive wants to have good fertility to make it easier to prepare for pregnancy, but not everyone has good fertility. If you don't want to "overspend" your fertility, you should do less of following four things.

If women don't want to "overspend" their fertility, these 4 things need to be done less.

First, excessive weight loss affects fertility

If Women Don't Want to 'Overspend' Their Fertility, These 4 Things Should Be Done Less

Girls now pay more attention to their figure and feel like they get fatter if they have more meat, so they start using various weight loss strategies such as explaining weight loss, taking weight loss pills, weight loss massage. etc. Although these methods are short time can make you slimmer and more beautiful, but it buried hidden dangers to your physical and mental health, especially for sisters who want to have children. Excessive weight loss will not only rebound, but also drag your fertility. what makes your endocrine disorders that affect ovarian function, so your fertility will decline.

Secondly, there were several abortions

Although current level of medical treatment is becoming more and more advanced, if there are too many abortions, it will still cause great harm to body. Especially those young girls, in order to satisfy themselves and their boyfriends, they will not take contraceptive measures, which will lead to multiple miscarriages, and this behavior will only make your fertility lower and lower Infertility for life, so girls must protect themselves.

If Women Don't Want to 'Overspend' Their Fertility, These 4 Things Should Be Done Less

Third: Always restrain urination

Currently, people are under a lot of work pressure and have a lot of workload, so they all want to finish work first and then do other things, and holding back urine is their normal habit, but holding back urine for a long time can cause damage female uterus. After bladder is relatively full, it will be compressed to position of uterus. After a long time, uterus will move backward, which will affect fertility.

Fourth, pressure is relatively large

If Women Don't Want to 'Overspend' Their Fertility, These 4 Things Should Be Done Less

They say that modern society makes more stringent demands on women. Work, life, family and various loads make female body often not withstand some endocrine disorders, and menstrual irregularities appear from time to time. female fertility.

After introducing above content, we should have some idea about fertility. If you want to have a baby, you must do less of above, which will reduce your fertility. At same time, you must prepare for pregnancy Some preparatory work, active preparation for pregnancy.