If you have these 5 signs, it means that you have premature ovarian failure.

Premature ovarian failure means women are going through menopause. At this time, amenorrhea occurs in women. Under normal circumstances, women do not show signs of ovarian failure after age of 40, but if premature ovarian failure occurs at a young age, then be vigilant, it will not only bring trouble to female fertility, but also cause women's skin to age prematurely. If you have these 5 signals, it means that you have premature ovarian failure!

What are 5 signals of premature ovarian failure?

- 1 - Menstrual period

If you have these 5 signs, it means that you have premature ovarian failure.

Under normal conditions, menstruation in women should be very regular. If menstruation has been disrupted recently or even menopause has occurred, this should be given sufficient attention, as this is probably a signal of premature ovarian failure. In addition to such problems, there will also be problems such as a decrease in menstrual flow and a shortening of menstrual cycle, which should also attract attention of women.

- 2 - Mood

Do you often feel hot flashes and sweats, or do you feel that your temperament has changed dramatically and your emotions have become unstable? If you have these symptoms, you should pay attention to it. You may not have changed, but that your ovaries have changed. This change is mainly result of autonomic disorders caused by a decrease in estrogen levels.

- 3 -Cover

The years are written on skin hastily. Estrogen secreted by ovaries can slow down collagen aging and accelerate removal of oxygen free radicals to prevent photoaging. If, in just a few years, your skin suddenly becomes dry and bad, with loss of luster, hyperpigmentation, and a rapid increase in wrinkles, your body is probably telling you that you are getting older.

- 4 - Infertility

If you have these 5 signs, it means that you have premature ovarian failure.

Premature ovarian failure refers to a phenomenon caused by ovarian failure and is also a cause of female infertility. If you have been preparing for pregnancy for some time, but have not received good news, you should think about this aspect. In particular, secondary infertility is a relatively common situation. Mr. Yuan had a child but could not conceive a second child.

- 5 - Other

When ovarian function decreases, other secondary symptoms appear in body, such as osteoporosis caused by low estrogen levels, adrenal hypofunction, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

How do women maintain their ovaries?

1. Reduce ovarian damage if there is no inflammation, because ovarian abscess can damage ovarian function;

2. Ovarian lesions are detected and treated in a timely manner, such as some ovarian neoplasms, if they become very large, they may eventually damage normal ovarian tissue;

3. Reduce exposure to radioactive substances or chemicals and minimize impact of external factors;

If you have these 5 signs, it means that you have premature ovarian failure.

4. Be vigilant of girlfriends who have premature ovarian failure in family. If you complete fertility task at a young age, impact on fertility will be relatively small.

Experts remind that premature ovarian failure is very harmful for women, which can affect female fertility and lead to premature aging of a woman. Therefore, women should support their ovaries. If premature ovarian failure is found, they should go to hospital in time for treatment. The ovaries are very important for women, please take care of them!