When these changes appear in a woman's body, it means that your uterus has been injured and you must treat it quickly!

Many women don't care much about protecting their uterus. They think that as long as they are in good health, uterus should be healthy. Problems with health of uterus, so girlfriends should pay attention to this. . As soon as you find these changes in female body, it may mean that something is wrong with your uterus.

The woman's uterus is "damaged" and her body will look "1 stinky and 2 black".

1. Strong smell of whiter

When these changes appear in a woman's body, it means that your uterus has been injured and you must treat it quickly!

When friends go to toilet, they can observe leucorrhoea. If leucorrhoea has a strong smell, and color is yellow or cheesy, then there is a problem with uterus.

2. Black menstrual blood

Women menstruate once a month. For women with regular periods, timing of reporting a period each month is accurate. If you find that menstrual cycle is disturbed and color of menstrual blood is black.

All this suggests that there is a problem with uterus. When color of menstrual blood turns black again, in addition to gynecological inflammation caused by cold palace, uterus also contains a large amount of toxins and debris that cannot be excreted, which turned into inflammation cervix, which affects course of menstruation. The normal cycle, if it can be found and adjusted in time at this time, it may be able to effectively prevent cervical lesions.

3. Lip color turns black

As they say, a woman's lips play a very important role in overall image. Only pink and red lips can show a woman's health problems. this is a problem, abnormal uterus will cause lips to turn purple and black. At this time, you should see a doctor in time to determine what problem is and treat it in time.

When these changes appear in a woman's body, it means that your uterus has been injured and you must treat it quickly!

For example, palace cold, palace cold is a very common disease among women, and this disease also needs to be treated in time, if it is not treated for a long time, some kind of garbage and toxins will always accumulate in body. in uterus, which can lead to infertility after a long time, so it must be noticed and cannot be ignored.

How does a woman support her uterus?

Pay attention to maintenance during menstruation: If you want to get your menstrual blood out as much as possible, maintenance during your period is very important. During physiological period, try not to touch cold water, do not eat raw, cold, spicy and other irritating foods.

Living in same room requires hygiene: When living in same room, pay attention to cleanliness. Both husband and wife should wash their genitals with clean water before and after sex to prevent some of bacteria passing through genitals and into uterus causing infection.

When these changes appear in a woman's body, it means that your uterus has been injured and you must treat it quickly!

Moderate exercise. Regular exercise can boost your immune system. If you can't exercise outdoors, you can also do some stretching exercises indoors. Light yoga and Latin American dancing are good for qi and blood circulation.

Timely maintenance of uterus is a key factor to prevent damage to uterus, so when above situations are found, it is necessary to go to general hospital in time for treatment to ensure that uterus returns to health so that baby is perceived more smoothly.