Attention! When these signals appear in your body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions

I think that everyone understands importance of uterus for women. It is not only an important "cradle" for a new life, but also an important symbol for measuring women's health, so everyone should take good care of their uterus. . However, some bad habits in lives of some girls lead to intrauterine adhesions, which have a great impact on fertility, so we must first know how to know if we have intrauterine adhesions. Once these signals appear in body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions.

When these signals appear in your body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions

1. Irregular menstruation

Attention! When these signals appear in your body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions

Under normal conditions, uterine adhesions also have a certain effect on menstruation. As soon as you find that number of periods decreases or periods are delayed, you should be on lookout for uterine adhesions at this time, because some uterine adhesions destroy endometrium and make menstruation. In some patients, even amenorrhea, and in some, menstrual cycles are lengthened, and menstrual blood turns black.

2. Increased vaginal discharge

Obvious symptoms of uterine adhesions are increased vaginal discharge, and if severe, intrauterine bleeding may also occur. Usually, as soon as you find that you have increased vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding, you need to see a doctor in time. to see if there are uterine adhesions.

3. Intermittent abdominal pain

Women with intrauterine adhesions have symptoms of intermittent abdominal pain, usually about a month after induced abortion or curettage, sudden cramps in lower abdomen, some patients may have severe abdominal pain, restlessness in sitting and lying down, they have difficulty moving, and even gas and bowel movements are painful.

Attention! When these signals appear in your body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions

4. Affects pregnancy

Due to damage to endometrium, environment in uterine cavity is not suitable for implantation of pregnant eggs and growth and development of embryos, which can lead to miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage and even infertility.

How to prevent occurrence of intrauterine adhesions?

1. Timely treatment of gynecological inflammation

When women find themselves suffering from uterine inflammation, they need to be treated in time. Many girlfriends may think that inflammation is just a minor disease and it will go away without treatment. It can also cause more serious conditions such as intrauterine adhesions.

2. Observe personal menstrual hygiene

Attention! When these signals appear in your body, 80% of them are intrauterine adhesions

Personal hygiene should be observed during sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse during menstruation is prohibited. Proper menstrual hygiene can prevent formation of intrauterine adhesions. Do not conduct gynecological examinations during menstruation. Gynecological exams during your period can also easily lead to intrauterine adhesions. To stay away from bad habits, pay attention to your menstrual period and postpartum care.

3. Take contraceptive measures

Many sisters forget to use contraceptives after searching for "happiness". Take contraceptive measures.

Is your uterus okay? If you have already suffered from intrauterine adhesions, please go to a regular hospital for treatment in time to get rid of disease as soon as possible.