The six characteristics indicate that ovulation is about to occur, and chance of pregnancy will double if you pay close attention to sexual intercourse.

Behind every successful pregnant woman is a complex process of preparing for pregnancy. I believe that all moms have some experience. Successful conception requires not only a healthy body, but also mastering various pregnancy preparation skills, such as Today I will tell you about characteristics of ovulation. Some women have a chaotic menstrual cycle, which must be judged by some signs of ovulation. The following six characteristics are some of characteristics ovulation. If you have, please arrange it quickly.

Has six characteristics that indicate that ovulation will occur soon.

❶ Breasts will be painful during ovulation

The six characteristics indicate that ovulation is about to occur, and chance of pregnancy will double if you pay close attention to sexual intercourse.

It is said that during menstruation there will be a feeling of swelling of breast, but in fact this feeling also occurs during ovulation, because follicles are ripe, and when eggs are released, a large amount of estrogen is released. will be produced and a peak will be formed. These estrogens stimulate growth of your mammary glands, which can cause soreness. But this feeling will soon disappear, don't worry too much.

❷ Slight pain in lower abdomen

When follicle matures, it will rupture and form a small gap. During this time, some people experience some abdominal discomfort or a feeling of bloating. Generally, in this situation, there is no need to worry about this situation. But if pain does not go away for several days, it is better to consult a doctor.

❸ There will be some bleeding in intimate areas

The six characteristics indicate that ovulation is about to occur, and chance of pregnancy will double if you pay close attention to sexual intercourse.

Some girls are more sensitive. During ovulation, due to fluctuations in hormone levels, endometrium is slightly rejected, a small amount of blood appears.

❹ Significantly increased leucorrhea

Beli should be known to everyone. They will increase during pregnancy and menstruation, and are no exception during ovulation. They will still grow. At this time, leucorrhoea is transparent and has a sticky feeling. Pull out long silk, it will be easier for you to get pregnant if you have sex at this time.

❺ Basal body temperature will increase

Our normal body temperature is usually around 36 degrees. If you are approaching ovulation, your body temperature may rise by 0.5 to 1 degree at this time. The editor recommends that women measure their body temperature every day during ovulation to calculate day of ovulation.

❻ I want to "love love" everyday

The six characteristics indicate that ovulation is about to occur, and chance of pregnancy will double if you pay close attention to sexual intercourse.

This is also a sign of ovulation, some more obvious, some not so obvious, it depends on person.

If you have already experienced above 6 situations, have sexual intercourse immediately so that chance of pregnancy doubles and you can get good news about your pregnancy next month. If ovulation is normal, but you are not pregnant, then be on lookout, urgently see a doctor.