If you want to hit ground running when you first try to conceive, these key skills cannot be ignored!

In this efficient, fast-paced society, people are becoming more and more efficient. Whether it's work or life, they want to complete it quickly, and same is true for pregnancy. Yes, but every year probability of infertility increases. every year people become more and more anxious. How to do it to get in? First of all, following key skills cannot be ignored.

If you want to be successful, these key skills cannot be ignored.

Skill 1 is best choice for pregnancy test strips

If you want to hit ground running when you first try to conceive, these key skills cannot be ignored!

I believe that sisters who read this article pay more attention to prenatal and postnatal care, so preparation for pregnancy will still be done in advance, and ovulation test strips and pregnancy test sticks must be purchased, which can reduce time to conceive and improve pregnancy Know in advance whether you are pregnant or not. Regular ovulation test strips are less sensitive, so we can also buy some semi-quantitative test strips. Its peak value is very high. Once ovulation is strong, you will have immediate intercourse and chance of pregnancy is very high. You need to read instructions to check.

Tip 2. Diet for pregnancy should be nutritious

As we all know, eggs are released from follicles and only mature follicles can rupture and release eggs. The food that promotes follicle development is black bean, which can promote follicle development and supplement estrogen to make eggs bigger Youyuan, we can drink some black soy milk, if there are still no dominant follicles, we should consider going to hospital for examination.

Skill 3. Sexual intercourse skills are very important

If you want to hit ground running when you first try to conceive, these key skills cannot be ignored!

For some women, irregular periods can easily lead to irregular ovulation. At this time, you must learn to intelligently arrange sexual intercourse. During ovulation period, there is a possibility of ovulation, so many people increase number of sexual intercourses during ovulation period, even twice a day. If frequency is too high, it will not only reduce quality and quantity of spermatozoa, but also will not contribute to pregnancy. Therefore, during period of ovulation, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse once every 2.3 days.

Tip 4. Exercise Properly During Pregnancy

Whether you are a man or a woman, proper exercise in preparation for pregnancy can not only improve sperm quality, but also improve your fitness. We can do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, brisk walking, playing ball, etc., so that in preparation for pregnancy, in order to have stronger sperm, a good pregnancy can come as soon as possible.

If you want to hit ground running when you first try to conceive, these key skills cannot be ignored!

If you are trying to get pregnant for first time, you can try above methods. I think you will be pregnant next soon.