What to do if leucorrhoea increases abnormally? Do not panic, an increase in these 4 types of leucorrhoea is normal!

Beli are an important indicator of women's health. As a rule, normal leucorrhoea is colorless, odorless and transparent, and their amount is not too large. But if you encounter abnormal leucorrhea, don't worry, first check if it is following 4 types If this is a normal physiological phenomenon, you should not worry, but if it is not in these situations, then you should be on lookout.

In 4 cases, increase in leucorrhea is a normal physiological phenomenon.

1. Before ovulation

What to do if leucorrhoea increases abnormally? Do not panic, an increase in these 4 types of leucorrhoea is normal!

Beli is most affected by estrogen levels in women.

Before ovulation period, due to increase in estrogen levels, epithelial cells of cervical glands will proliferate, secretion of cervical mucus will increase, sodium chloride content of mucus will increase, and it will be able to absorb more water, which leads to an increase in whiteness and quality. It is liquid, transparent in color and similar to egg white, which is normal.

2. During pregnancy

When women are pregnant, they produce thicker mucus due to influence of hormone levels.

In addition, as uterus enlarges, pelvic cavity and vagina are compressed, which leads to expansion and stagnation of neighboring blood vessels, which also causes increased exudate from vaginal mucosa, but treatment is not required.

3. During sexual arousal or intercourse

What to do if leucorrhoea increases abnormally? Do not panic, an increase in these 4 types of leucorrhoea is normal!

A normal sex life or sexual arousal will stimulate production of vaginal secretions, resulting in more leucorrhea, which is a normal physiological response.

4. After taking estrogenic drugs and contraceptives

This is due to changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone in body.

Under what circumstances should one be wary of an increase in leukorrhea?

1. Purulent leucorrhea: yellow or yellow-green, sticky or frothy, fetid, often caused by vaginitis, among which Trichomonas vaginitis is most common, accompanied by itching of genitals. It can also be observed in chronic cervicitis, senile vaginitis, endometritis, hydrouterine or foreign bodies of vagina.

2. Cheese-like leucorrhea or tofu-like leucorrhea: This is a typical symptom of fungal vaginitis, often accompanied by intense itching of genitals.

3. Bloody leucorrhoea: There is blood in leucorrhea, so be prepared for possibility of cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and other malignancies. However, benign diseases such as cervical polyps, cervical erosion, submucosal fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, urethral caruncles, senile vaginitis, etc., can also cause bloody leucorrhea. Less bloody leucorrhea caused by an intrauterine device is also more common.

What to do if leucorrhoea increases abnormally? Do not panic, an increase in these 4 types of leucorrhoea is normal!

4. Yellow, watery leucorrhoea: usually occurs after prolonged vaginal bleeding, and a large amount of purulent and fetid leucorrhea is discharged from vagina. Advanced cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, or submucosal fibroids with infection should be considered first. With paroxysmal discharge, attention should be paid to possibility of cancer of fallopian tube.

The above normal and abnormal phenomena are leucorrhoea. I hope to help everyone. If you encounter abnormal phenomena of increased leucorrhoea, you should go to hospital in time for treatment. At same time, do not eat stimulating, sweet and fatty foods in your life. . Drinking more boiled water promotes recovery from illness.