If uterus is not good, there will be 4 changes in body. It is not difficult to do well to protect health of uterus

In young girls and girls who have never given birth, uterus will be very healthy and physical training will be very easy, so fertility of women at this time "flashes", but if a woman gives birth, uterus will be wrinkled and there will be some residual garbage, so garbage in uterus should be removed in time. If woman's womb is out of order, following 4 changes will occur in body, come and see.

What are signs of an unhealthy uterus?

Signal ① Long-term facial acne

If uterus is not good, there will be 4 changes in body. It is not difficult to do well to protect health of uterus

During puberty, appearance of acne is normal, after which acne disappears naturally. But there are still people who obviously went through puberty early, but their acne has not yet healed. It may be related to uterus. If skin care reasons are ruled out, a gynecological examination is necessary.

Signal ② more pubic hair

Many people mistakenly think that women have more pubic hair and a strong libido, which is just nonsense! The amount of pubic hair in women is related to hormones in body. If you have excessive pubic hair, it is most likely polycystic ovary syndrome. In early stage, there is usually no pubic hair or excessive hair. After menstrual flow becomes weak or even stops, pubic hair will grow back more than before.

Signal ③ Abnormal leucorrhea

Normal leucorrhoea in women is white, clear, unfiltered and usually tasteless. However, if it is too thick and becomes like bean flour, too profuse, yellow or yellow-green, bloodshot, you need to be on lookout for gynecological diseases! Abnormal leucorrhoea is usually one of main symptoms of inflammation or even swelling.

If uterus is not good, there will be 4 changes in body. It is not difficult to do well to protect health of uterus

Signal ④ Irregular Menses

Irregular, short, early or late periods. Abnormal menstrual flow, more or less continuous, abnormal color of menstrual blood, too light or too dark, accompanied by blood clots... these are irregular periods. The initial symptoms of many gynecological diseases are irregular periods, but some serious diseases, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer, can also cause irregular periods. Therefore, friends should not be careless.

How to save uterus?

1. Avoid cold in stomach. The uterus is very afraid of cold, but many girlfriends in summer eat a lot of cold drinks to refresh themselves, such as drinking iced drinks, eating ice cream, wearing navel clothes, or staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, which will allow cold to penetrate into uterus, causing palace cold. Usually you should keep your stomach warm, avoid cold stomach and eat more warm foods like longan and red dates. Take care of lower extremities and avoid cold of lower extremities so as not to affect health of uterus.

2. Cut down on fatty foods. Food high in fat promotes production and release of certain hormones, and formation of uterine fibroids is associated with strong estrogen stimulation. Follow last 4+1 pyramid, eat a low-fat diet, drink plenty of water, and absorb nutrients you need. Avoid spicy, alcoholic, frozen and other foods.

If uterus is not good, there will be 4 changes in body. It is not difficult to do well to protect health of uterus

3. Scientific contraception. Condoms can not only effectively prevent pregnancy, but also prevent infection of uterus with sexually transmitted diseases and keep uterus young. An excellent oral contraceptive not only prevents pregnancy, but also regulates menstrual cycle. However, studies have shown that prolonged use of same birth control pill slows down central nervous system and makes it ineffective, so it is recommended to change pill from time to time.

Maintenance of uterus is something that every woman should do, otherwise it will affect women's fertility and health. But you must go to a general tertiary hospital or a specialized fertility hospital to ensure effectiveness and safety. If you want to have a baby, you must treat it on time.