You know? Feeling when an egg comes out, obviously, come and see

In early pregnancy, first thing we experience is menopause, which is most typical manifestation of pregnancy, followed by nausea and vomiting + chest pain, etc., but did you know? we feel it when we ovulate. And feeling is also very obvious, but many women who are trying to get pregnant ignore it. What does it feel like when you ovulate? Listen to editor's response.

Signal 1: A clear sensation of swelling in anus

You know? Feeling when an egg comes out, obviously, come and see

Mature eggs are released from surface of ovary. When leaving ovary, they must pass through follicles, which will cause a small amount of fluid from follicles to enter pelvic cavity, causing anus to feel swollen.

Signal 2: lower abdominal pain

Perfect eggs are detached from surface of female ovary, and layer of membranous follicles that encapsulate surface of eggs must be destroyed. When egg is released, some clear fluid from follicle will leak into lower part of uterine cavity, causing a little bleeding, so there will be pain in one side of lower abdomen, but after that it will pass. few hours.

Signal 3: More selections

During ovulation, amount of whites will increase significantly, and they will become watery and transparent.

You know? Feeling when an egg comes out, obviously, come and see

Signal 4: light bleeding

Due to fluctuations in estrogen secretion in body before and after ovulation, small abnormal uterine bleeding occurs, which is not menstrual bleeding. This is different from menstrual bleeding, which is usually a little bloody and ends quickly. It usually takes a day or two. A slight flush during ovulation is normal, as long as there are no other discomforts, no need to worry too much.

Signal 5: high body temperature, breast tenderness

Some women may experience a higher body temperature than usual during ovulation, breast swelling and pain, especially nipples, and dare not touch them.

Signal 6: Changes in libido

You know? Feeling when an egg comes out, obviously, come and see

Some women experience increased libido during ovulation. Studies have shown that female impotence and sexual desire gradually increase before ovulation, and sexual activity at this stage will be more frequent.

Reminder: Whether or not you successfully create a person, you must pay attention to details. Although sensation of ovulation is very subtle, this small change is associated with onset of a good pregnancy!