When a woman ovulates, these subtle “traces” will appear in body, see if you have them.

As we all know, women have an ovulation period every month, and this ovulation period is day when ovulation should occur. After intercourse after ovulation, chances of pregnancy will increase significantly, but if you do this by not having intercourse during ovulation period, chances of pregnancy will decrease. This is very small, which is why most women will have intercourse around time of ovulation, so let's look at subtle "marks" that women leave when they ovulate.

What are symptoms of a woman's body during ovulation?

Symptom 1, breast tenderness

When a woman ovulates, these subtle “traces” will appear in body, see if you have them.

Chest pain during ovulation is normal, similar to menstrual pain. After entering period of ovulation, level of hormones in woman's body will be temporarily unbalanced. Estrogen and lutein stimulate mammary glands, causing female breast to swell. However, it can also be associated with breast tenderness caused by breast hyperplasia, so women should always pay attention to breast changes and seek medical attention in time.

Symptom 2, highlights become transparent

A woman's discharge also helps to determine if she is ovulating, and discharge during ovulation is very different from normal. Before ovulation period, you will find that color of secretion is mostly milky white, but as ovulation period approaches, color of secretion gradually becomes lighter and becomes clearer and more transparent.

Symptom 3, difference in basal body temperature

When a woman ovulates, these subtle “traces” will appear in body, see if you have them.

Basal body temperature in women (body temperature when waking up in morning) is usually low during menstrual cycle, typically below 37°C and usually maintained around 36.5°C. At beginning of ovulation, body temperature will drop slightly. After ovulation, body temperature rises by about 0.5°C and does not drop until menstruation occurs.

Symptom 4, lower abdominal pain

When egg matures, it is forced out of surface of ovary, breaking through follicular membrane surrounding surface of egg. A small amount of fluid from follicle may drain into lowest part of pelvis, causing a small dimple in anus and pain in lower abdomen on one side. This pain is different from menstrual dysmenorrhea and is accompanied by light bleeding.

Symptom 5, loss of appetite

When a woman ovulates, these subtle “traces” will appear in body, see if you have them.

Studies have shown that women's appetite is lowest during ovulation period, at which time amount of nasal mucus will be relatively reduced, which will easily lead to penetration of bacteria or viruses into circulatory system and occurrence of various diseases.

The above content is an introduction to some of symptoms of ovulation. I hope he can help you. If you are unable to determine time of ovulation, you can watch your ovulation time by the above symptoms. If you still can't find out about your ovulation period you can also judge by ovulation monitoring.