Obviously not pregnant, but my aunt has not come for a long time, these 5 situations are worth paying attention to

Menstruation is very important for women. She is not only a barometer of women's health, but can also tell if a woman's fertility is normal. Therefore, most girlfriends pay more attention to their menstrual status. timely medical care. But if you are not pregnant, be vigilant if your aunt does not come, it may be due to these 5 situations.

If aunt does not come for a long time, this may be due to these 5 situations

1. Endocrine disorders

Obviously not pregnant, but my aunt has not come for a long time, these 5 situations are worth paying attention to

Obesity, excessive diet, irregular lifestyle, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., can cause endocrine disorders in women, leading to delayed menstruation.

2. Premenstrual runny nose

If you don't pay attention to warming up before your period, if you are attacked by cold air, your blood will clot if you catch a cold, and blood flow in uterus will slow down, which will naturally delay your period.

3. Lack of energy and blood

Lack of qi and blood in body, uterus cannot be fed enough blood, and its functions cannot be fully performed. Therefore, menstruation is often delayed.

4. Chronic diseases

Obviously not pregnant, but my aunt has not come for a long time, these 5 situations are worth paying attention to

Some chronic diseases often delay menstruation due to nutritional deficiencies. Common chronic diseases include hepatitis, tuberculosis, and tumors.

5. Mental factors

If you are under mental stress, stress or caused by environmental factors, your period may be delayed. A delay of seven days is still normal and you can apply for a check if you are more than seven days late.

How to remind about menstruation if menstruation is delayed?

Pay attention to diet and nutrition: women should first establish good eating habits, eat more high-protein foods daily, supplement some foods that nourish kidney, spleen, qi and blood, and make sure to eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits.

Keep warm: If a woman suddenly stopped menstruating, she may have caught a cold, so women should pay attention to keep warm and not catch a cold, especially during menstruation, to prevent colds and dampness. , and relax.

Obviously not pregnant, but my aunt has not come for a long time, these 5 situations are worth paying attention to

Active treatment: In case of a sudden absence of menstruation due to diseases, all a woman has to do is go to hospital in time for an examination and follow doctor's recommendations for treatment.

Adequate sleep. Women should also avoid overworking their bodies in their daily lives and ensure that they get enough sleep to nourish liver and blood. As long as body is in good health, menstruation occurs naturally.

Delayed menstruation is caused not only by some bad habits, but also by some pathological factors, such as premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovaries, and other infertility.